Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Wedding Day 6.14.2014

Hi everyone,
I hope that you all have been having a great summer. It's flown by here.... With the wedding at the beginning of the summer and our family vacation in just a little over a week - things have kept us busy here on the farm.
I am not going to jinx myself, but tomorrow we should start digging our basement for our new farmhouse. It's been a long and slow process, but good things come to those who wait, right? It's what I keep telling myself, or what my farmer keeps telling me when I become impatient - which is 90% of the time...
Back to the wedding.... I received great feedback on my Farmhouse Wedding Details post, so I figured that I would share more ... Even better - just pictures, without my sometimes cheesy tag lines.
Enjoy the pictures, and the rest of your summer...






























Thank you all for your love and support.


-The Lichte's


  1. Love oh love them! Can't wait to follow your home building progress. Hoping ours starts soon.

  2. LoVe, LOve, LovE!!! What a beautiful day and celebration! Thank you for sharing it with us. *I don't want to forget, so................Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. I love your dress and your flowers especially! Thanks for linking up on the Country Fair Blog Party!
