Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Lichte's New Farmhouse Week 2 and Week 3

Hello Everyone, 

My farmer and I have been home for about 18 hours. We spent a weekend in Nashville, Tennessee with my brother and sister in law then we met up with the rest of my family in Seaside, Florida. It was beautiful and I took over 1000 pictures, so I will post about those trips sometime this week.

Last night we were headed home and turned on our gravel road - there was no sand, just gravel dust... It was perfect.... And the ever popular (to me, not my farmer) Tim McGraw song popped in my head. 

Oh, I miss yeah a little dirt on the road I miss corn growin' in a row I miss being somebody Everybody knows there everybody knows everybody I miss those small town roots, Walkin' around in muddy boots The sound of rain on an old tin roof, It's time we head on back

 In the meantime, I am going to catch up (and myself) up on the progress of our new farmhouse... 

Due to the weather there wasn't a TON of progress on the new house. I wasn't completely bummed about that because I love being here (100 feet away) from all of the construction. 

A major part of Week 2 was concrete... It was often times tricky with the August rain that we have been getting. It's still good for our crops, but it's just not great on our basement... BUT as my farmer sweetly reminded me - crops are paying for the house - we need them to be good first. 

They built the footers and began pouring concrete in them. Below is part of the front porch area. 

This outside area is the whole front porch... It's big - but to me a farmhouse means a big front porch that becomes living area (fans, swings, plants, rockers, pillows) 

More footers.... This is the garage. 

Week 3... While we were strolling the brick streets of Seaside, Florida, the were bringing in gravel for the basement floor. 

This is the back porch.

My farmer is still smiling.... Not sure if he was just excited to wake up in his own bed, or the new house that's making him this happy.... Maybe it's both. 

While in Florida I got so much inspiration from all of the beautiful old fashioned homes there, I even plan on doing a post about nothing but big beautiful front doors... I can't wait for you to see it.

I am sure everyone is getting ready for school to start again, I just left the grocery store and they had mums out... MUMS... I can't believe it, but I must say I am excited for a beautiful fall.

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