Monday, August 25, 2014

The Lichte's New Farmhouse Week 4

Hi everyone,

Since there was slim to no progress done on the new house this week I decided to also include some of my Seaside inspiration that I am trying to bring back to my Farmhouse.

This is our progress for week 4. I stand in the same spot (or close to the same spot) every week and snap a picture. Tonight we got some tile for basement drains and mid week we are supposed to be getting our basement walls... SO... next week I will have a lot more to update you on.

Every morning in Seaside I would wake up early, slip on my flip flops, run downstairs grab a cup of coffee and with my camera around my neck I would head into town. Walking through sandy back roads starring at beautiful homes thinking to myself "do people actually live like this?" I brought home ALOT of inspiration (cupolas and outdoor lighting) but my main focus down there was doors. 

This is the door to the house that we stayed in (Bella Vista).  I love the simplicity of it. 

transom's...transom's...transom's..... I love them. They are perfect. Sometime soon we meet with our window people, I am hoping to have some transom's on the back side of my house (eat in area and family room)

I love this color of wood. I am always drawn to very dark rich colors, but something about this is very clean and warm. 

perfect screen doors for a patio door

Notice how low the hardware is on this door. It's just such a small detail that makes it look custom.. Who am I kidding - this is a custom door. 

Might be a little too much going on for me - but it's still a beautiful color. 

Another low handle... another beautiful color of wood. 

I want my front door to be double doors. Not the giant estate looking ones, but ones just like this. Very narrow (the size of just one oversized door)...Maybe not white - our siding is white, so I want some wood to make it really pop. 

We currently have a screened in porch in our house plan, but the plan is to end up keeping it open. We want a great little place to grill - then I laid my eyes on this little beautiful porch and it may have saved the Lichte Family Screened in Porch. 

Hope you have all had a great summer and getting settled back into end of summer routines. I'll be back again (hopefully tomorrow) to finish my post on our vacation to Seaside...

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