Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Lichte's New Farmhouse Week 5

Well here we are..... This is what it looks like in Week 5 at the new Farmhouse.....

They got all of the concrete forms unloaded and in place... It's already looking so much more like a house and a little less like a swimming pool... 

Early last week my brother (Linebach Trenching) came out to lay some tile for our basement. That way - if we were to get more rain it would drain better.

Part of the new front yard is now just dirt and mud... All a part of the construction process.. 
(Check out that corn - I bet my farmer will be in the field soon)

That's about all that has been done during Week 5... But soon we will be getting some concrete

My farmer and I are in the middle of researching appliances. Once we have them all picked out I will do a post on what we have decided to purchase. I must say - picking them out has been a tad overwhelming.. I feel like I like a different brand in each appliance. So tell me, what are some of your favorite appliance brands. What do you have that you like or don't like.

Have a great (short) week everyone... See you for Week 6...

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a major project! You must be happy to see it transform from a "swimming pool" to something resembling a house. But of course, the base foundations have to be built first. Anyway, I hope you guys don't encounter problems and delays on this project! Good luck!

    Kendra Tran @ LECO Concrete Forms & Supply
