Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Lichte's New Farmhouse.... Week 13

It was a VERY happy Week 13... Our whole downstairs is framed. Still waiting on the exterior walls by the garage (as you can see in the below photo) BUT we need concrete in our garage first. My guess is that will happen next week.

It's so fun to give you a sneak peak to the inside - take a look at the reason I rush home from work everyday to see the progress. AND I think on average I walk through it at least 3-4 times an evening. Yes - I have already decorated it in my head AND found the perfect spot for the Christmas Tree. (insert my farmer rolling his eyes as he reads this).

See my week by week picture of Week 13. I need to find better spot, to take this picture - I am missing the whole left side of the house.

One little request from my farmer on this house was heated floors in the garage. It was absolutely silly to me, but I am sure he thinks honed marble herringbone floors are silly, SO as a good wife (and smart woman) I agreed with this purchase. AND considering my car has been sitting outside during the cold winter nights for MOST of my life it will be nice to not only be in a garage but to be in a garage with a heated floor. 

This is the living room. That back wall will have a fireplace in the middle and built in bookcases/shelves on each side. 

The eat in area off of the kitchen....

The pantry in the kitchen. 

And since the house plan never really had a great pantry place and we were limited with places it could go - we made another pantry in the laundry room (which is just right down the hall from the kitchen.)

Laundry room window

The view from the laundry room - our lane and the gravel road.

View from the master bedroom. Hello combine and grain cart.

 My side of the closet...
 My farmers side of the closet....

My farmer's office... I am currently trying to think of some great built ins and a desk location. The windows are really low (which I love - it's the front of the house) BUT it limits my options.. Anyone have any ideas. 

One last thing that happened that I forgot to take a picture of - stairs to the second floor... Guess that means that's what gets worked on next.... 

Later in the week I will do a post on specific things that I have purchased for the house. (Front Door style, light fixtures, sinks, etc....) I know I know you all are just dying of anticipation for that... :)

Have a great week - I will continue to enjoy this 85 degree weather that we are having the last week of October.... I am sure it will come to an end soon.

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