Friday, November 7, 2014

Farmer's Harvest 2014

Harvest is ALMOST over... With record breaking yields, the occasional breakdown (too many to mention) and the limited storage space - it's been a long one.

Harvest comes with a lot of really great things - unlimited combine rides, standing out in the yard and being able to hear a combine at all hours- after all, my husbands office is in the backyard. BUT with that being said, I am excited to be eating dinner earlier than 9:30 p.m., it will be nice to go out on dates, you know other than just when it rains. But that's all part of being a farmers wife...

Just kidding...  ^ ^ ^

We are feeling very blessed to even be able to do what we both love. But with that being said, I am always so quick to praise those before us. Those that sacrificed so much for us to be able to live this great life. But to me - that person is my farmer. Sure there are times in his life where he could have done something different. Something with more security, something that your paycheck doesn't depend on the weather or the grain market or current events. Something more 8-5 Monday through Friday....  But that's not my farmer. He was born and raised to farm this land - and there is not anyone or anything that would ever change that or take that away...
He doesn't call it a job - he doesn't call it working....


Seeing my farmer work side by side with his father everyday is one of the greatest things I have been able to witness... And since I work side by side with my father everyday as well - it makes it extra special...


 I am feeling like a proud wife right now, but I want to give my farmer a well deserved shout out for our great life and all of the hard work he does for us. So to my farmer who is reading this... if I don't say it enough - thank you....

Take a look at my favorite pictures from the Harvest of 2014. 


I was starting to sort of feel like the paparazzi in the combine cab as I photographed the two of them.




I have a very unusual obsession with black and white photos. If I had my choice every single last one would be black and white.



I hope everyone around had a safe and bountiful harvest.

As much as we both love this time of the year we are glad to see it end..  Fields are clean and empty and we start all over again next year.

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