Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Lichte's New Farmhouse..... Week 29

It's cold here today..... Cold as in bundle up and run across the driveway, snap a couple of pictures and run back home cold. Probably just typical February weather but we have been spoiled with some spring like weather and it makes cold days like this really hard. If it's going to be this cold - can we PLEASE have some snow.

Spring is on the horizon and hopefully so is move in day.

But before green grass and moving boxes, lets get back to Week 29.....

Week 29 was all about insulation.

It's amazing how after the insulation it just makes the house feel so "closed up". Don't get me wrong, we still don't have garage doors, BUT it's not a cold echoing house anymore, the insulation really warms it up - no pun intended (okay PUN intended).. :)

In addition to insulation we have had a good amount of deliveries this week. This is the sink that my farmer and I are putting in our laundry room - it came from his grandparents farmhouse before it was tore down and we "salvaged" it from his parents barn. It needs a little sandblasting, which speaking of, does anyone know who does that in this area? I love the drainboards on the sides.

Back to deliveries, my farmhouse kitchen sink came in as well.  The front is this ridge. I think it's perfect "rustic" look without being too.... well... rustic.

The nice people at Home Depot made us take our double wall oven that we purchased at the beginning of December. I kept pushing back deliveries every other week and finally they stopped that. Let's just hope that the nice people at Best Buy don't make us take our Refrigerator, Stove and Dishwasher that we purchased in (gasp October) anytime soon... 

AND -probably the best part of Week 29, my kitchen cabinet design. 

I poured over them in the mornings before work (and sometimes at work). Marking where I would put things in each and every cabinet and drawer. Sure - some things might change a bit but that's the only way that you can know that you have a space for everything that you need. 

I have made a couple of revisions so when I get those done and finalized I will share the design with you. It's beautiful and exactly what I always envisioned when I thought of my kitchen. The perfect mix to country but still sleep and clean. Sometimes I picture "Country" as "cluttery" and I hate clutter. Just ask my farmer and his never ending stack of papers that are always all over our counter. 

Our siding also came in during Week 29. It's white, but our shutters will be black. For a shutter selection we are going with a basic Board and Baton style with detailed "hardware" like the ones in these photo...

Well - that's all for Week 29. I should finalize ALL of my cabinet designs by the end of this next week (Week 30) and they are starting on sheetrock. Ahhh - we are FINALLY to the sheetrock phase. 

I am making beef fajitas for my farmer and I for dinner tonight. I very rarely ever post anything on this blog besides house updates, I need to get better at that. If these fajitas are yummy I will share the recipe with you. I got the recipe from the Pioneer Woman, so how can it NOT be yummy. (My love for Ree Drummond is deep)..

Here's to Week 30 and more progress... 

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