Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Lichte's New Farmhouse...... Week 32

Ahhh... Week 32. I am a couple of days late on this post (I've actually had several calls and e mails wondering where my Sunday night post was)...

Sunday evening was a  birthday party for my sweet niece and when our water line was being laid Monday it cut our internet connection. It was pretty said (and a tad pathetic) how bored I was without my trusty Mac. I'll blame the new house and my addiction to internet shopping. My farmer and our Visa I am sure appreciated the night off.

BUT back to the house.... Week 32 was all about drywall mud. Sounds exciting, huh? Well it was to this housebuilding nerd.

We also got breadboard on our front and back porch - it is so charming and perfect.

I  love how it fans out by the front door. -it's the attention to detail that really stands out.

I plan to paint it a light blue - like in the photo below... They say that by painting your porch ceilings blue it would keep wasps and other bugs from the area. Something about the blue is supposed to make them not want to be around or nest (let's hope the same goes for spiders). Of coarse my reason for choosing it is that I always see it in Southern Living Magazines-but I'll go for no wasps too. 

My front yard is currently a rye patch. But hey I'll take some green where I can get it. 

That' all for house stuff. Take a look at a couple of my favorite birthday shots. 

My sweet niece Hailey turned 9 years old. She's the sweetest kid (I know every aunt thinks that - but this girl REALLY is)... People say she is my mini me - and while I will have to agree in some ways, her smile and her heart are by far better than mine. She is a much much better version of myself. 

A trampoline birthday present was a hit for us all. 

grainy because of the trampoline net...

This is my dad and my nephew Layton. They are the biggest best buddies around. Isn't this an awesome picture - I need to frame it. 

A basketball star's birthday cake...

And lots of presents....

That's all for this week....

1 comment:

  1. My in laws painted the ceiling of their back porch light blue for the same reason and it seems to work!
