Monday, April 13, 2015

The Lichte's New Farmhouse...... Week 37

Week 37..... We got shutters. They made the biggest difference. After we get our porch ceiling painted and our porch columns we will be completely done with the outside. WELL while we wait for some dirt to settle so we can get some more concrete (sidewalk and driveway pad)...

This is an up-close detail of the hardware that we had put on our shutters.

We went with a board and batten shutter. They each have 4 boards except the little top windows I think have three.

This is above the garage

And this is the little window in the top gable.

It makes a difference in the back of the house. In the back we are still waiting on porch columns as well.

With siding complete on the new house they have moved to our old garage that we had old ]siding ripped off and new siding to match our new house put on. We will have shutters on these windows as well.

We had minimal things done on the inside this past week. BUT the cabinet guy did come and finish up a couple of things.

We did get this pantry door. The purpose is to look like a cabinet. It will have actual hardware to look like three drawers on the bottom and a door on the top.

Then it opens up and boom..... the pantry.


In the upstairs bathroom the linen cabinet got put together.

And the bottom part has two pull out bins for hampers.

That's about it for Week 37 as far as house stuff goes.

BUT my farmer and his dad started planting corn last week. And of coarse in true blogger fashion I threw my camera around my neck and headed out to the field to snap a few pictures. WELL I wasn't in the field as much as I was at my in laws house. My mother in law and I were drinking a beer on the back patio watching our men farm. it was a pretty fun Saturday night and I see many more of those in our future.



~The Process Called Life~ - Farm Fresh Vintage Finds

1 comment:

  1. Shutters are a house's mascara! Love them and the hardware too! The pantry door is AMAZING, great idea. Cheers to planting season starting in your neck of the woods. Nothing to report here, a little field prep, but no planters rolling. Yet!
