Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lichte Family Apple Butter 2015

Lichte Family Apple Butter Weekend is a tradition that started many many years ago. After a several year hiatus we are back at making sure that this tradition sticks around. We up and running for the second year now and I couldn't love this tradition more.

We start on Friday morning cutting up apples and making our apple sauce for the apple butter. It's a fun day filled with food, laughter and family.

Take a look at some of my very favorite Apple Butter pictures.






Friday night I hosted a Chili dinner and craft night. We made burlap pillows (which I will post about later in the week or the weekend), ate chili, drank wine and laughed.... A lot.


Saturday morning we met early for apple butter stirring. Of coarse I brought my Molly Dog with me.

While most of us played with Apple Butter my farmer and my father in law were in the middle of bean harvest. They don't stop for something like this, they chatted here and there and switched out to come and eat some lunch, but back to the field they went.



Seriously though..... I have the best dog.


Sorry for the Molly overload.... she is just so sweet!

And of coarse, I made labels for the Apple Butter - another tradition. Take a look at my very well Apple Butter Stocked Pantry.

Okay so who actually saw one picture of me in these photos? Does anyone else have that problem? I will always be that person that looks like a tourist in their own backyard with their camera around their neck. I like that I like to take pictures WITH SOMETHING OTHER THAN AN I PHONE.... But I need to be better about handing my camera off to others every now and again. I am that person that is documenting everything and making books and having memories to share with the future, I just need to remember to be in them too. Years from now your memories are pictures. Take pictures (with a camera) be in pictures.

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