This SHOULD be the most fun part of the whole process - but I am slacking BIG TIME with blogging here towards the end. I think just because we are so busy with things around the house every night - as opposed to our typical Saturday clean up day that we've been having for the past 10 months.
But I will catch everything up through this past week (Week 45, 46, 47) It's now Tuesday afternoon. yesterday they did the last coat of Poly on the floors so that is drying today. Tomorrow I clean then move in Thursday. Our goal is to be sleeping there by Friday night.
Back to the past three weeks and everything that has been going on. I have to be honest, in these past 3 weeks I may have had about 18 different mini breakdowns. My poor farmer, my poor general contractor, they've both been at the other end of those at times. But my house is what it is thanks to them - I just hope they know that!!
My Laundry Room. Check out that beautiful brass bridge faucet. I ended up getting that at Signature Hardware.
Right down the hall from the laundry room is this bathroom. That vanity, that toile wallpaper, that library paneling - it turned out exactly how I had pictured.
The kitchen sink faucet got installed.
Some appliances...
My foyer light.... I waited and waited and waited for this thing to go on Sale at Pottery Barn - It finally did!
My farmers office.
This office door turned out perfect. And if I know my farmer, his office will always be a mess so this door will always be closed.
Master Bath Vanities... I didn't have these custom made - I purchased them at Home Depot.
Master bath shower is still not done. It does look beautiful but it sure has taken a long time. Good things come to those who wait, right?
This is the master closet. Entirely too perfect for my wardrobe that is very simple - but I'll take it.
Well that's all that I have for the past three weeks. In good news I have a ton of recipes that I am just dying to cook up and share from my new kitchen. I have some pretty good organization tips that I have been trying with the new house that I plan to share as well.
Our house building journey is coming to a close soon. It's gone on for quite a while and the past month or so has been a little bit more stressful than fun. I know that anyone who has built a home can relate to me on that, but luckily for me I will never have to move again. I will live in this house for the rest of my years. And it's a pretty great house to spend that time in.
I'll save next week for all of the sentiments that I have towards my very hardworking husband who is just beginning to make all of my dreams come true. the sacrifice that he has made for years and years to be able to build me this home does not ever go unnoticed by me. His bank account may have been bigger before I came along - but I like to think that his life is more filled with love. I tell myself that and I tell him that daily. I think maybe he is starting to believe it.

Love, love, double love that beautiful office door. For some reason I thought it was a pantry door. I'm going to need all the details on that.