Friday, May 1, 2015

Easter 2015

I managed to go the whole day without getting a photo of my farmer (wearing pink) and I in our Sunday Easter Outfits. Maybe we will wear the same clothes to church Sunday and I'll snap a quick photo. I LOVE taking pictures of everyone but have noticed that I am always left out of photos.. On days when I am not in my "Sunday Best" that's probably a good thing as I am currently sporting no makeup and in yoga pants.... that have nevwer been to yoga.

 It's a stamp of time, a moment that you wont ever get back. Easter 2015 is done and over - we only have photos to remember that day by. So - if you take anything from this post (minus our adorable and well dressed nieces and nephews) take more pictures. AND since I just had to replace my I phone 5 with a new one PLEASE PLEASE back up to I cloud OR take your pictures with a camera - Not a telephone.

Okay - that PSA is over - take a look at my favorite Easter Pictures.

Oh wait - my farmer..... wearing pink....

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem. Always taking the photos, and never in them. Snap that pic in you Subday best!! You will never regret being in a picture. (If you do, that is why they invented delet.😉)

    Please come to the May Country Fair Blog Party with this post. We are highlighting CELEBRATIONS and Easter is a great one. Here is the link:


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